Register to Join the 2016 NW Divestment Convergence

"3 ways to save the world- Friday, Saturday, and Sunday"

If you're interested in attending this exciting event, please register here. Thanks to the kind donations of our supporters, we will have financial aid available to make your attendance possible. Please be sure to indicate if you would like to receive aid on the form.

In order to support the convergence, we ask that everyone pay a registration fee on a sliding scale of $10-40, with an average payment of $20.

We are looking to create and empower a diverse community with a group of students from across the Pacific Northwest. As part of the climate justice movement, we want to especially encourage people of color, women, people who don't identify as cisgender males, and/or people who have a direct stake in climate change to register and attend.

To learn more and receive updates on the planning process and the details of the event, please visit our Facebook event page.

Best Trainers~ Taking on Big Business on Their Own Turf~ Fueled by Connections, Not Fossils

United we stand. Divested they fall.